T-Minus XX and counting

My 3 books with Sourcebooks come out next June, August and October and if you do the math, that’s under a year for the first one. Luckily for me, the first one is written and edits are in (yay!) Books 2 and 3, however, are a different story.

I’d come up with the partials a while ago, but hadn’t worked on them all that much because, let’s face it, if Book 1 didn’t sell, write work on a series that won’t? So, I kept those stories in the back of my brain and prayed someday I could write them.

Voila! Welcome to Someday. Only now, I’m in deadline mode – I’ve got 2 books to finish in the next six months and have them at the same level as book 1. But the nice thing about letting the stories “sit,” was that the characters kept talking to me. I’d been working on another first book of a series during this time period and Rod and Valerie, and Angel and Logan wouldn’t stop talking to me. I ended up getting the black moment of book 3, an interesting idea for the heroine’s character in book 2 and enough inspiration to keep butting into the other series.

It’s fun when things like that happen; even more fun when I actually get to WRITE these stories.

Just, please, remind me of the fun when I’m pulling my hair out as the final deadline approaches!

Blurbs for my stories can be found at: http://judifennell.com/stories.html